
Για εύκολη ενσωμάτωση σωλήνων HD-PE σε φρεάτια επιθεώρησης σκυροδέματος κατά DIN 4034 bzw.Η πλευρά σύνδεσης στον σωλήνα HD-PE έχει εκτεθειμένες ανιστάσεις θέρμανσης για βέλτιστη μεταφορά θερμότητας, μεγάλο βάθος εισαγωγής, εξαιρετικά ευρείες ζώνες σύντηξης συν ψυχρές ζώνες στο τέλος για την αποτροπή της ροής λειωμένου υλικού, για χρήση χωρίς συσκευές συγκράτησης.

For flexible integration of HD-PE pipes in concrete inspection manholes per DIN 4034 bzw. DWA-A 157 in conjunction with the FRIAFIT adapter ASF/ASFL. Connection side to ASF/ASFL has 2 elastomer sealing rings as sealant joint and for optimal press fit. For extra safety, the water absorbent Q sealing ring is included. The jointing side to the HD-PE pipe has exposed heating coils for optimal heat transfer, large insertion depth, extra wide fusion zones plus cold zones at the end to prevent the flow of molten material, for use without holding devices.

Επιστροφή Τεχνικό Φυλλάδιο

PE 100

Maximum testing pressure 0.5 bar in accordance to DIN EN 1610

Κωδικός προϊόντος d product.detail.attribute.d1Small BX PU D t Weight kg
680201 110 131 8 144 133 135 0,740
680202 160 187 8 64 193 135 1,950
680203 180 215 1 54 225 135 3,100
680204 200 247 1 56 250 135 3,500
680205 225 277 1 32 280 135 4,600
680206 250 277 1 32 280 135 2,500
680207 280 313 1 32 315 135 3,600
680208 315 354 1 24 355 135 4,350
680209 355 399 1 20 400 135 5,800
680210 400 449 1 12 450 135 8,300
680211 450 499 1 8 500 135 8,900
680214 500 559 1 8 562 135 11,050
1 680212 560 624 2 4 630 135 13,400
1 680213 630 709 1 3 710 135 22,400
1 with pre-heating barcode for compensation of a larger annular gap

Sealing rings made of SBR

Alternative: NBR-sealing (stock status 3)

Sewage pipe systems are high-value assets of a value which has to be maintained for a long time. Increasing demands on the public sewage system require materials which meet these criteria. HDPE sewage pipes have been fused for many years with the FRIAFIT HDPE sewage system tightly, frictionlocked and root-proof.

Areas of Application

The FRIAFIT-Sewage Insert Sleeve AEM is applied for the connection of HDPE pipes into concrete inspection chambers according to DIN 4034 in connection with FRIAFIT-Sewage Inspection Chamber Adapter ASF/ASFL.

Notes on processing

The AEM is pushed into the ASF Sewage Inspection Chamber Adapter ASF until it connects with the gutter, resp. to the stop (ASFL).

Fusion of pipe ends with FRIAFIT AEM Sewage Insert Sleeve takes place using FRIAFIT fusion – leakproof and longitudinally strong.

The HDPE pipe is prepared according to the general installation requirements (see also “Fitting Instructions” for the FRIAFIT-Sewage System). This involves removing the oxide layer and cleaning the pipe ends. It is then slid into the AEM; length of insertion = L or transition to the gutter (ASFL).

To compensate a larger annular gap (> 1 mm, max. 3 mm) between coupler and pipe, the pre-heating barcode can be used from d 560 (see instructions packed up with the coupler).

Good reasons for using the FRIAFIT-Sewage Insert Sleeve AEM

Jointing part at the inspection chamber in conjunction with FRIAFIT-Inspection Chamber Adapter (ASF/ASFL)

An elastomeric sealing in duplicate allows optimum anchoring to the FRIAFIT-Inspection Chamber Adapter (ASF/ASFL) according to DIN V 4034-1 and ATV-DVWK-A 157

Inspection chamber free from axial pipe stress due to push-fit connection

Sealing rings comply with DIN EN 681, resp. DIN 4060

Incl. the water swelling sealing ring Q which offers additional security

Exposed heating coil on inside of sleeve for a secure fusion of the HDPE-pipe

Barcode for fully automatic fusion with HDPE pipes from SDR 33 to SDR 11 having regard to the ambient temperature (temperature compensation)