Oblong cap

Outer beads: Ø50-40

Central bead: Ø 40-32

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Oblong cap
Reference Name codepackaging gencodPackaging typetariff33 unitGencod gencodOuterPackaging csvObjectNature codingNature identifier systemMarkValue lesPlusPerformance lesPlusInstallation areaApplicationValue productPositioning specialtyValue destination genericColors colors Application assemblyTypes positioningValue applicationValue
BOT543 Oblong cap C 3309030169051 B 3309030169006 3309030169051 Article plat ARTPLAT 40127 NONSYS font-family: "Verdana",sans-serif color: black >Invented by Nicoll 60 years ago, the PVC Fitting is now available in more than 1000 references, making it the widest range on the market. The Nicoll PVC Fittings allow all the junctions and font-variant-caps: normal R 864 GREY(EVACUATI Light grey Sewage disposal To stick text-align: start widows: 2