Solvent weld fittings - reducers.

Reducer: solvent weld spigot (d) or solvent weld socket (d2), solvent weld socket (d1 reduced) (Fig.B)
Series of fittings designed for conveying fluids under pressure with a cold chemical weld jointing system (solvent welding) using a suitable solvent cement and cleaner-primer.
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Reference Other description system Category family d x d[5:2] x d[5:1] PN E L L1 L[5:2] Z g
RIV025020016 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 25 x 20 x 16 16 22 19 14 16 24,5 9
RIV025020020 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 25 x 20 x 20 16 26 19 16 16 24,5 12
RIV032025016 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 32 x 25 x 16 16 22 22 14 19 30 14
RIV032025020 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 32 x 25 x 20 16 27 22 16 19 30 16
RIV032025025 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 32 x 25 x 25 16 32 22 19 19 30 20
RIV040032020 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 40 x 32 x 20 16 27 26 16 22 36 23
RIV040032025 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 40 x 32 x 25 16 32 26 19 22 36 27
RIV040032032 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 40 x 32 x 32 16 41 26 22 22 36 34
RIV050040020 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings I 50 x 40 x 20 16 27 31 16 26 44 36
RIV050040025 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 50 x 40 x 25 16 32 31 19 26 44 40
RIV050040032 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 50 x 40 x 32 16 40 31 22 26 44 48
RIV050040040 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 50 x 40 x 40 16 48 31 26 26 44 55
RIV063050025 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings I 63 x 50 x 25 16 32 38 19 31 54 75
RIV063050032 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 63 x 50 x 32 16 40 38 22 31 54 80
RIV063050040 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 63 x 50 x 40 16 49 38 26 31 54 90
RIV063050050 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 63 x 50 x 50 16 60 38 31 31 54 110
RIV075063050 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 75 x 63 x 50 16 61 44 31 38 62 130
RIV075063063 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 75 x 63 x 63 16 76 44 38 38 62 175
RIV110090050 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings I 110 x 90 x 50 16 61 61 31 51 88 260
RIV110090063 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings I 110 x 90 x 63 16 76 61 38 51 88 300
RIV110090075 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings I 110 x 90 x 75 16 89 61 44 51 88 345
RIV110090090 I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04 RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1 PVC-U system Pressure Fittings ISO-UNI Fittings IF 110 x 90 x 90 16 104 61 51 51 88 400

I: IIP 122 F: AFNOR NF04
RIV: the quality marks refer to dimensions d and d1
