STUDOR Tec-Vent NPT 1.5"


The Tec-Vent is a specialist Air Admittance Valve (AAV) designed for commercial applications and industries where flame retardance is a priority, but is equally suitable for residential use. UL classified in the USA in accordance with UL2043, the Tec-Vent is manufactured from flame retardant material with a high tensile strength, providing savings by reducing the need for expensive flame retardant vent piping.

Here are many applications where products incorporating flame retardant properties are required to stop or slow the spread of fire, including schools, care homes, hospitals, high-rise buildings, through to particularly high‐risk environments such as oil rigs, aviation and fuel refineries. The Tec‐ Vent can play a vital role in helping to prevent fire from spreading through the drainage system, making it especially suitable for use in limitless applications, for example: aviation, boiler rooms, care homes, commercial dishwashers & kitchens, factories, fire rated zones, fuel refineries, high-rise buildings, hospitals, manufacturing, marine, military buildings, mining, oil rigs, production & assembly areas, schools, ships, trade waste applications, etc.

The Tec‐Vent functions in the same way as the Studor Mini‐Vent AAV to protect the trap seals in the drainage system – it allows air to enter and ensures that the pressure within the drainage system is properly balanced, but does not allow foul air to leave and enter the living space/habitable area. This ensures that the trap seals remain intact – providing an essential barrier between the drainage system and the living space.

The Tec‐Vent is supplied with a 40mm thread, and is just simply hand‐tightened – no tools are required for installation.

Whilst providing an added layer of essential protection to the lives and property of those in the facility from a fire risk, the Tec‐Vent also offers other advantages including:

- Significant cost saving from the reduction in the amount of fire retardant pipe required.

- Cost saving by reducing the number of fire stopping devices required.

- When installed as part of the P.A.P.A. System, it allows the shaft size to be reduced, maximising the habitable or working space.

- Provides a properly functioning drainage system which keeps noxious sewer gases and smells away from the inhabited area.

The Tec‐Vent is tested to be resistant to extreme temperatures (‐20°C to +60°C) in accordance with the AI rating of EN12380.

Capacity: 7.5 litres/second at ‐250 Pa (10 Pa = 1mm water gauge)

Temperature range: -20°C to +60°C
Operating pressure: -70 Pa (-0,010 PSI)
Max. pressure rating tightness: 10.000 Pa (1 m H2O) at 0 Pa or higher
EN rating 12380: AI

Air flow capacity:
Europe: Branch 7,5 l / s, Stack 7,5 l / s
AU/NZ: Branch 7,5 l / s / 94 FU, Stack 7,5 l / s / 7 FU
USA: Branch 1 to 160 DFU, Stack 8 to 24 DFU

Tec-Vent body: Flame-retartdant polycarbonat
Tec-Vent membrane: Synthetic rubber

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